Not published yet.
A floating Table of Contents (TOC) in {distill} in fixed position with Toggle (show/hide) button and Scrolling Active States.
The second part of a series on how I upgraded this `Distill` themed blog
In this post, you can find simple but useful enhancements that can be applied to your distill website. From enhancing your table of contents tab to adding a 'copy to clipboard button' in source code chunks, learn how you can make your distill website even more awesome!
Adventures with giscus (easier) and GitHub Actions (harder)
How to use the giscus commenting system on a Distill blog
Notes on adding comments to distill pages.
Over the last weeks and months I have collected three features for the blog itself that I want to implement. Covers: A custom parallax scrolling landing page, Utterances comments and a custom 404 error page. None are built into the {distill} package, so there's some manual work needed. I'll go through the changes here.
Customizing a {distill} website. Covers: Page and article metadata tricks with {metathis}, adding collapsible and movable Utterances comments sections to posts, and using post templates with {distilltools}.
How to create an appealing and accessible colour palette for a syntax highlighting scheme
A guide to modifying the default {distill} syntax highlighting theme, including colour choice considerations, and its implementation in {distilltools}
Use lightgallery.js to create a gallery for your plots or images.
How to modify the distill template to fit your preferences.
Collaborative {distill} website workflows
This article shows the use of tabs in Rmarkdown documents, through an example of time series analysis of the monthly estimator of Argentine economic activity.
How I added lots of little features to my distill site with the {htmltools} package, CSS, and a handful of little R functions.
The following are step-by-step instructions for creating a website using [R Markdown]( and the [distill R package]( (through [R Studio]( and [GitHub](
How can you automatically render README, Distill website...
The new postcards package and distill are M-F-E-O (made for each other). Here is a brief walk-through to add a postcards personal profile page to your distill website or blog, using only R Markdown.
We build a darkmode for our distill site using css and a bit of java script.
A few notes on moving from blogdown to distill.
Interested in giving your readers the ability to comment on your {distill} blog? Look no further than
My experiences with building webpages and websites using some of the simpler R Studio tools.
Some small things I learned as I migrated my blog from blogdown to distill.
I love simplicity.
If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY-SA 4.0. Source code is available at, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".
Made with
and the
distill package
Last updated on February 12,